Armstrong's has many reports available to Dealers via Stages and MyAG. Here is a list of the most commonly used reports. Click here for more information on how to add these reports to accounts/
All Activity: This report includes all alarm activity for all accounts.
Daily: AAD
Weekly: AAW
Monthly: AAM
Test Timer With Trouble: This report includes all accounts that have sent their daily, weekly, or monthly Test Timer but still have a pending trouble condition on their alarm panel.
Daily: TTD
Weekly: TTW
Monthly: TTM
Trouble/Supervisory/Tamper: This report includes all accounts that have sent a troubles, supervisory, or tamper signal.
Daily: TD
Weekly: TW
Monthly: TM
Low Battery: This report includes all accounts that have sent a low battery signal.
Daily: LBD
Weekly: LBW
Monthly: LBM
AC Loss: This report includes all accounts that have sent an AC Power Loss signal.
Daily: ACD
Weekly: ACW
Monthly ACM
Open.Close: This report includes all accounts that have sent open/close signals.
Daily: OCD
Weekly: OCW
Monthly: OCM
If you do not see the report you need here, please contact, and our Support Team will be happy to help.