- To access an account, log in to the Stages Monitoring Portal, click Site at the top left corner, then click Lookup. That will load the Advanced Search option. Once that is loaded, add the account number in the xmit# field, then click the binocular icon to search for the account. Once the account loads, double-click the account number to load the account's Site Data Entry screen.
- Click the Device tab, and then in the Device Phones section, add the elevator device phone number, and Save.
- If the account is a stand-alone elevator account, update the Device Type to E to ensure it has the correct signal and event code configuration.
- If the account is not a stand-alone elevator account, e.g., there are existing zones such as burg and fire, DO NOT change the device type, access the Configuration tab to add the proper elevator alarm configuration. Once the proper configuration is added, click the save icon.