Hello GMS Dealers,
This week I wanted to highlight some of the tools that AvantGuard will be rolling out shortly after the conversion that will give your customers access to convenient time-saving features such as AG Chat, SMS notification, and automated voice calls.
With nearly 50 years in the industry, we have developed best practices that help to reduce false alarms, minimize operator error, and provide a positive customer experience with their alarm system. We will configure the Stages software to follow existing best practices without operator intervention automatically. In the past, operators would manually look at an account, check the time stamps and alarm details and log the signal if it met the proper requirements. Manually studying those alarm details introduces an opportunity for human error, false dispatches, and a lack of consistency in the customer experience.
Our platform will send automated calls for all low-priority signals (Low battery, power loss, troubles, etc.) on security accounts, allowing for prompt notification and industry-leading response time on emergency alarms.
For burglary signals, we will be utilizing our industry award-winning AG Chat feature hand in hand with live operator response to give your customers a head start in either preventing a costly false dispatch or speeding up authority response when needed. The AG Chat feature immediately sends a text message to designated contacts on the account with a secure link. Once the customer clicks on the link, they can request that the alarm be disregarded with the proper code or request an immediate dispatch. The results of AG Chat across hundreds of thousands of accounts have been incredible. Around 60% of burglar alarms have been handled via AG Chat, and false alarm dispatches have decreased by over 40%. Please see the link below for supporting statistics and a white-labeled marketing sheet that you can share with your customers.
Please keep an eye out for dates and times for upcoming training webinars coming from this email.