Adding Site Name
Adding Address and Site Type
Adding Agencies
Adding Site Phone Number
Adding Contacts
Adding Zones
Adding Passcodes
Log into the Monitoring Portal.
Enter the account number in the search bar and click the binoculars to search.
Click on the xmit# to open the account.
Adding Site Name
Select the Site tab
Enter the Account Name in the Site Name box
Select Save
Adding Address and Site Type
Select the Site tab
Select "New Account"
A new screen will appear.
Enter the street address and then add the zip code and select the correct option.
* Canada postal codes will not appear in the zip select area. The City, State, and Postal will need to be entered manually
Select the Get Geo Data button and stages will attempt to validate the address.
If address validates, it will look like the image below and the Accept Geo Data button will illuminate. Select the Accept Geo Data button
If address does not validate, it will look like the image below. Select the Save Entered Data button
Ensure the Region, Time Zone and Site Type are correct.
Site Type Options:
C - Commerical Security
CF - Commerical Fire
R - Residential
E - Elevator
M - Medical 2-Way
Don't forget to Save.
Adding Agencies
If the address does not validate, please email dealer care at to have the agencies added to the account
If the address validates:
Select the Site tab
Find the Agencies tab, select the Quick Entry button
Select the check box for one Fire, one Medical, and one Police agency - These will auto save. You can close the quick entry screen, and it will automatically save the agencies to the account.
Adding Site Phone Number
Select the Site tab
Locate the Phones section and press the Add button.
Add the Phone number in the Phone Box. *Note: Only land lines should be added here. All cell phone numbers should be added as contacts.
Add a Phone Type. Any phone number in this area should be listed as P for Premise Number.
Don't forget to Save.
Adding Contacts
Select the Contacts tab
Select the Quick Entry button
A new screen will appear.
Select the Add button
The Order Number will auto fill
Enter the contacts First and Last Name
Check the ECV box (Enhanced Call Verification) if the contact wants to be called BEFORE dispatch
Enter an Authority level
Authority Options:
10 - Contact Only - select this if the contact does NOT have a pin
12 - All Access - select this only if contact has a pin
Enter contact's Pin - This can be a number code or a code word. If something is entered here, the authority must be level 12 all access
Enter the contact Phone Number and Phone Type
Phone Type Options:
C - Cell (use this for any phone number that may want text messages)
H - Home
OF - Office
W - Work
Add as many contacts as needed.
Don't forget to save.
Adding Zones
Select the Configuration tab
Select the Quick Entry button
A new screen will appear.
Select the Add button
Enter the Point/Zone number
Check the RST box (sets zone up to notify if signal has not restored) if
1. The account is Commerical Fire and is a Fire Alarm, Waterflow, or Low Priority Signal
2. The account is Residential and a Waterflow Signal
Enter the Event Code
Event Code Options:
Fire Alarm 01300
Carbon Monoxide Alarm 01400
Burglar Alarm 04200
Medical Alarm 02002
Panic Alarm 03102
Critical Alarm 05900
Trouble 060001
Fire System Trouble 06004
Supervisory 06011
Enter the Description. This is the information that will be relayed to the customer and dispatch. ex: Front Door, Floor 1 Pull Station, Back Room Flood
Add as many zones as needed.
Don't forget to save.
Adding Passcodes
Select the Code Words tab
Select Add
Add the Code Word
Add the Authority Level 12 - All Access. If the account has a password here, the authority MUST be 12