Editing Account Information:
You can edit account information by simply clicking on the info tab on the account, then clicking on the section you want to edit, and then clicking save.
Adding Name, Address, Time Zone and Premise Phone
- First click on the Info tab and then select the editing tab in the top right-hand corner of screen.
- Then edit or add any information to the address section, time zone, or premise phone number section. Once you are done making changes, hit the save button.
Adding Contacts:
- First select the Contacts tab under the Info section
- Then select the Add Contacts tab
- Then you will want to add their name,
- PIN (This is the contacts personal password if they want one)
- ECV (You will check this if it is a burglar alarm and contact should be called before dispatch),
- User ID (If there is one associated with the contact in the panel)
- Then press save
Editing Contacts:
- Under the contacts tab select the contact you wish to edit
- Then press the edit button
- Then edit any information the contact may need updated
- When you are done press save
Reorder Contacts
- Under the contacts tab, select the edit button
- Then click on the 6 square icon next to the contacts name, and drag them to the order the customer is needing.
Adding Account Password:
- Select the Passcodes section under the Info tab
- Then select the edit button
- Then click Add Passcode, next you can add the passcode and then select the authority level the password needs. Once you have done that press save.
Adding a Duress Code:
- First select the Duress Code Section under the Info tab
- Then select the edit button
- Then you can select Add Duress Code, then add the duress code the customer is needing, and press save.