- Log into MyAG.
- On the next page, select 'Accounts'
- On the top right, a magnifying glass will appear. You'll search for the account number there.
If the account is not yet active you'll need to click the circle next to 'Include OOS' (Out Of Service) for the account to come up.
- Under 'Account Info' enter the address.
- Then press the floppy disk icon to save changes.
- If the address validates properly, there will be a pop-up at the top right that says 'The address successfully validated'.
- After the address validates, the agencies will be entered.
- Keep in mind the page may need a few seconds to load.
- If the 'The address successfully validated' pop-up does not come up, that means the address did not validate and the agencies will not populate.
However, the address will still be saved.
- This happens sometimes, especially with new buildings, but it is fixable. The agency numbers will simply need to be entered manually in the Monitoring Portal.
- Click HERE for info on manually adding agencies in the Monitoring Portal.