During your conversion, you will be asked to verify your data to ensure everything is lined up correctly. This can be done through our test environment HERE.
You will be provided a username and password to log in by the team handling your conversion.
- Once you access the portal, input your username and password to login.
- After logging in, click Site>Lookup at the top left of the portal or press Ctrl+Alt+L.
- In the Advanced Search screen, you will be able to look up the account data that has been uploaded.
- You can search by your site group number, however, depending on account total this may be too much data to load.
- Be sure to check the 'include out of service' box before executing your search.
- You can also search by prefix. Simply enter the account prefix in the 'xmit' box and click the binoculars to search.
- To access the data for the account, double click on it.
- You will need to verify the information on the following tabs:
- Contacts
- Site
- Device
- Configuration (zones)
- Code Words
- Any other data fields your accounts are using
Incorrect Data/Questions
- If you do come across errors, please look over more accounts to see if it's one or multiple accounts with that issue.
- If you come across data that is incorrect or have questions please forward the following information to your conversion team:
- Account Numbers
- Error/Question
Verifying Contacts Tab
- Ensure that Contact names are correct.
- Check call order by looking at the Order #.
- Personal contact passwords under PIN
- Phone numbers are listed to the right contact and listed in the right order if more than one number.
- Email addresses
- Panel user ID will be added once the accounts go live.
To view only one contact you can click the magnifying glass next to the contact's name.
Verifying Site Tab
- Site name
- Address
- Time Zone
- Site type: R(Residential), C (Commerical), CF(Commercial Fire), E(Elevator)
- Premise/Site phone number
- Email address
Verifying Device Tab
- Test timer is correctly set to none, daily, weekly, or monthly.
- Correct Device Type has been added(Defines the signal format the account should be sending VIA CID, SIA, DMP, 4x2 ect)
- Panel Types are added once the accounts go live.
Verifying Configuration(Zones) Tab
- Verify that Point/Zone lines up with the correct description
- Point/Zone has the correct alarm event code (Burg,Fire,Med,Panic)
- If Point/Zone reports by area verify that the area is added.
Code Words Tab
- Verify that all general passwords and duress codes were added.
Manual Data Uploads
Here is a list of items that will be uploaded into the account data once the accounts are in our live environment.
- Open/Close Schedules
- User IDs
- Panel Types
- Phone Extensions
- Permit Numbers
- Reports
- Time Exceptions(Times a contact wants to be called)