- Login to the Monitoring Portal.
- Enter the account number in the search box.
- Click the binoculars to search.
- Click on the account number (xmit) to bring up the account.
Adding Contacts:
- Click the 'Quick Entry' button.
- Enter contact's first and last name.
- If the 'ECV' box is checked, then the contact will be called before dispatch.
- The exception to this is Commercial Fire (CF) accounts. Dispatch will always be called first on CF accounts, even if the ECV box is checked.
- If the contact needs a password, enter it under 'PIN'.
- If the contact has a 'PIN' enter '12' under 'Authority'.
- If the contact does not have a PIN number, leave the 'Authority' box blank.
- Enter the contact's phone number.
- Enter the phone type as 'Cell'.
- Click the floppy disk icon on the left to save the contact.
- When adding a new contacts, the newest contact will appear at the top, but the contact list will save in the correct order.
- Contacts will be called by their Order #. Order Numbers start at 10 and go up in increments of 10.
- First contact to be called is Order #10, second #20, third # 30 etc.
Removing Contacts:
- Click the 'Quick Entry' button.
- The 'Quick Contact Entry' window will come up.
- Check the box next to the contact that needs to be deleted.
- Click the trashcan button.
- In the 'Confirm Delete' window, select 'Yes'.
Downloading Contact List:
- Click the arrow button. It will say "Save as Spreadsheet" and download as an excel.